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Whatever conditions are required:
Using rom Mili 8/9 to 10 (global stable/developers) (Chinese stable/developers)
Phone number (still active and still used)
Already have the Mi account (age minimum account minimum 3 days)
It's already log in, khaan account on the smartphone (age minimum 1 minute)
Activating debugging Usb and Oem unlockering in xiaonomy's phone
No need to be the Ubl xiaomy in 2019 can done without request
Ingredient ingredients:
The Usb cable
Computer/pc (minimum Windows 7 - 64bit)
Mi unlock tools downloaded
The River ziaomy download
The Ubl step:
First. Put your account on Mi unlock status on the developer's oppression setting..
To activate the arrangement of opcydeveloper. Get into the arrangement "about the cellphone knocked over 7 times in the vermili version, until the message "you're now a develloper!
Back to the setting of "additional suit option "option the "industrial status "status knocked "add adds account and devisces;
Make sure to appear the message "added succecscingly. Mi - associated noodanced account with this Twas Devisces Snow "not couldn, T. F. veritfy. Sign your religious account and star over. "
Make sure you have a driver that I've provided up on the computer/laptop You used..
Next, extract Mi flash caolls toolls until you get the file like an image under this;
Run a file file miflash _ unlock. exe with the right click, vote andminarrator's
The application Mi - uncle is gonna open like following pictures;
Click on agree.
Then put up that Mi account you tapped on smartphone/mi unlock status (Mi account should be equal)
If you click on signing it...
Mi unlock tools will detect a tormented account on your smartphone..
Make sure smartphone xiaomy You have Internet connections... and connected on the pc's normal fashion
Here's the look if Mi account s been detected to Mi unlock tools..
Next up, put smartphone xiaomy You to the fastboot mode, with the smartphone first. Then turn it back and put the volume down a power button simultaneously, wait until xiaomy gets into the fastboot mode by showing up my noose Mi bunny
Get smartphone xiaomy You're onto the laptop. pc using the kable usb original or a good quality;
If smartphone xiaomy has been connected well on the pc, the status of Mi unlock will turn into "phone conected..
Wait till unlock bootloader stuck 99% (don't worry it s a Ubl in 2019 4% stuck's stuck with a message like I wrote down
Usually Mi unlock will give a message "72 hours of trying to the demeanis which means:
You have to be putting on three days just doing the Ubl step back and the New Ubl will be 100% success.
There's also that the message of the "320 hence hence of trying to the demeanis which means:
You have to be putting on for 15 days just doing the Ubl step back and the New Ubl will be 100% success.
There's also that the message of the "after 720 hours of trying to the demeanis which means:
You have to be putting on 30 days just doing the Ubl step back and the New Ubl will be 100% success.
If you've waited for the time to appointed the xigatami, please Uncle bootloader back, in the way that I ve already explained upstairs. I guarantee the Ubl will be 10000 percent succeed
Below is the result of the redmi - 4x redmi - 4x is after 72 hours (3 days):
How...? Are you going to make it easy...?
The way that locking back Bootloader, read the following article: The way to lock - lock the ziaomy ziaomy type
Read it also:
Way install the Nypl Mi suite (Mi asturant) china/english version on the pc
Sorts of errors when flash Xiaomi with Mi flash tools and way to handle it
[ Updates] how flash rom Xiaomi with Mi flash tools [ complete]
To make sure that the Bootloader is open or not already Please check on the following Tan: The way the checkpoints of the boot - otloder (Ubl) xiaonomy with the pc